My Case is Settled in Heaven

Jesus spoke to his disciples about the power and authority given to us over things in earth and in heaven. His assurance is that we have power to allow or disallow certain things in earth and in the heavens. Earlier in Matthew 16:18-19, Jesus told Peter that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church and a similar reference was made to binding and loosing. At the start of this reference Jesus mentioned that he would give to us the keys of the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus’s teaching followed a discourse about dealing with conflicts and the need to speak the truth in love. He spoke about the need to try to resolve differences by having a discussion with anyone who had done wrong to us. Jesus taught that if after we had done all that we can to resolve a conflict and someone refused to listen, then it was ok to love them from a distance.

We have to try our best to be at peace with all men, but there are times when no matter what we do, this may not be possible. We take our petition to the throne room of God in prayer and be assured that our case is settled in heaven. When we take our petitions to God, we know that he is our adjudicator and High Priest who also governs the affairs of our lives. No wrong that has been done to us will go unnoticed before God and he will take vengeance and offer recompense. It’s similar to an earthly court where cases are heard and a sentence handed down to a guilty party and the person wronged is awarded a settlement.

While there are some prayers that we pray on our own, there are occasions when we need the agreement of other believers. Jesus also said that where two or three are gathered together and agree on anything that it shall be done for them by God in heaven (Matthew 18:19). This is why it is important to find a mature Christian to agree with us in prayer concerning some requests. In this way we guarantee that we are being objective in our request and also at times we need to be supported and strengthened by someone else.

God is in the midst of us and we will not be moved. God is with us and he is our refuge and fortress. He is present with us in trouble. “Be still and know that he is God because he will be exalted in earth and in heaven” (Psalm 46:10).
