An Appointed Time

“If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come” (Job 14:4).

Job experienced severe trials and suffering and longed for death. He considered death a relief from the suffering that he was experiencing. Job consoled himself with the knowledge that he had an appointed time that was predetermined by God. He understood that his suffering would not last forever, but change was sure to come.

Job was convinced that all of his debates with God could cost him his life. Yet he made up his mind to bring his case before God. “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him (argue or debate with him)” (Job 13:15).

God can handle our arguments, our questions and even our frustrations. Like a parent who listens to the protests of a child, yet maintains their position, because they have the wisdom to know best. God will listen to what we have to say because he loves us and he cares for us. God longs to share his heart with us if we would stay close to him.

God’s timing isn’t always convenient for us and I’ve debated with God, about choosing more conventional ways to test me when the trials have felt too much. “But who can know the mind of God to instruct him or offer him counsel” (Romans 11:34)? Let us ask God for the wisdom and understanding to be able to move in correct timings.

Imagine Mary being engaged to marry the love of her life, being visited by an angel and told that she was going to be pregnant. The timing of such news could not have been any more inconvenient for Mary (Luke 1). Yet Mary praised God and considered herself favoured among women. The books of the Old Testament revealed the set time when Jesus was to be born. The wise men who through understanding of the times, knew when the star would appear to signal his birth (Matthew 2).

We have to trust that God’s timing is perfect even when it feels inconvenient. We trust that there is a set time and season for everything under the sun. We hold on to the hope that God allows all things to work out for our good. Things may not feel good right now, but trust that God is able and he will turn things around.


11 thoughts on “An Appointed Time

  1. I like this approach to this verse. I would have first looked at the expectation of resurrection, but I can see how the trials, or inconveniences of life can feel like death.
    Trials and struggles are part of the building process for believers.
    James tells us to count it all joy…the trying of your faith worketh patience (1:2-3).
    1 Peter 1:7 tells us that trying your faith is like the purifying of pure gold.
    God bless you.

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  2. We must learn to trust Him when we cannot understand. That is why things seem so hard at times. I know I have to make it a practice to be thankful and positive. He wants us to always focus on the good He will bring out of our trial. Not always easy but it works. Great Words Sister!😍🥰💖

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